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The Secret Place: October 21 Celebration

In October 2021 Ron and Mary MacLean visited us from Winnipeg, Canada, and spoke to us about the Fear of the Lord.



Ron & Mary MacLean have been leading Gateway Church in Winnipeg since 1980. For over forty years, the church has multiplied in number and influence through prayer, worship, Christian Education, missions, ministry to the poor and to new Canadians.

Ron has a passion both to teach people to pray and to see churches mobilized in this calling.  He has been instrumental in the city of Winnipeg initiating prayer & unity amongst pastors and between churches.  He also works with Salt & Light Ministries serving a family of churches around North America and Internationally and he coaches pastors in Church Renewal. 

Mary is a gifted worship leader, song writer, Bible teacher and business entrepreneur.  They have four adult daughters and increasing numbers of grandchildren.